Virtual Town Hall on Fentanyl Poisonings & Overdose April 2021

virtual town hall fentanyl

In response to recent Fentanyl poisonings and overdose deaths in Placer County, we hosted a Virtual Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. 

Please watch the recording below to learn how to prevent poisonings and overdose, where to access harm reduction resources, where to get help for substance use or mental health challenges, and how to talk with teens and adults in your life that may be at risk. Panel members shared experiences, updates and resources to raise awareness and prevent further loss.

Q&A from Virtual Town Hall
Resources List
Fentanyl Test Strip Instructions

English Version
Spanish Version

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 2021

prescription take back flyer

Saturday, April 24, 2021 at LIMITED LOCATIONS!

Please help us SAVE LIVES by following these 3 steps:

LOCK: Keep medication out of sight and in a safe and secure place.

MONITOR: Keep track of your medication and take only as directed. Monitor your remaining doses. And, don’t share your medication with others.

TAKE BACK: If you live in Auburn or Lincoln, drop off unused or expired medications at the locations mentioned on the attached flyer on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

If you live outside of Auburn and Lincoln, please visit our website for a list of permanent drop off locations.

Nevada-Placer Regional Opioid Summit

In July 2020, as part of Granite Wellness Centers’ Youth Opioid Response project, we hosted the Nevada-Placer Regional Opioid Summit.

This 4-part online series was facilitated by Dr. Corey Waller, a nationally recognized expert in Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health.

If you missed the event, you can watch the recordings here:

Watch Recorded Webinars

Substance Use Disorder and the Developing Brain
Dr. Corey Waller discusses the structures of the brain that are most affected by the early utilization of substances. It includes the common behavioral changes that align with these structures and how these can be mitigated.

Trauma & Substance Use Disorder
Dr. Corey Waller discusses the neurobiology of trauma and how we can mitigate its effects on the life of a person seeking help with substance use disorder or mental health disorder.

Addressing Opiate Use Disorders in Pregnant & Parenting Women
Dr. Corey Waller discusses the best practices that should be incorporated to identify, treat, and follow the mothers and their newborns who are affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.

Addressing Opiate Use Disorders in Justice-Involved Populations
Dr. Corey Waller discusses the approach to the treatment of addiction in the justice-involved population and how we can bend the OD curve for this population.

The Coalition for Placer Rocklin Youth ended its grant funding on September 30, 2019

The Youth Substance Use Prevention Toolkit

The Coalition for Placer/Rocklin Youth ended its grant funding on September 30, 2019.  Please refer to the Prevention Toolkit and this website to meet your prevention/wellness needs. The Prevention Toolkit has a host of resources and local contacts.

Meanwhile, the website continues to be maintained by the Coalition for Auburn and Lincoln Youth, Granite Wellness Centers, Coalition for Roseville Youth and Placer County Department of Public Health. This will ensure the community continues to have access to a growing body of resources.


4th Annual Raising Placer Summer Leadership Retreat in Rocklin

This is a collaborative collage created by over 55 youth and their adult mentors at our 4th Annual Raising Placer Summer Leadership Retreat in Rocklin on July 18, 2019. Coordinated by Coalition for Placer Youth and the Raising Placer Community Collaborative, this session and retreat was facilitated by Odyssey for Youth. Each square was painted by a participant as part of the whole. This leadership practice through art expresses the value we each have as individuals in our community. Without our unique and equally valuable piece, the picture is not complete. While painting their individual pieces, participants learned refusal skills and how to be more supportive peers while practicing self-care.

Some of the other Raising Placer contributing partners and/or participants of this event were:  The Placer County Youth Commission, Coalition for Roseville Youth, Placer County Public Health, Placer County Children’s System of Care, Placer County Youth Empowerment Support Program (Y.E.S.), and Placer County Office of Education. Other partner contributors to this piece were: Odyssey for Youth, Roseville Police Athletic League, Coalition for Auburn and Lincoln Youth, Lincoln Foundry, KidsFirst, Auburn Hip Hop Congress, Wellness Together, the South Placer Teen Center, Core Connectivity, 180 Church, and Sutter Center for Psychiatry; all collaborative partners of Raising Placer.

Leveraging Partnerships in Planning or Hosting a Communities Talk event

Underage drinking touches many aspects of a community or college campus so it’s important to involve as many individuals in the community as possible in a Communities Talk: Town Hall Meeting to Prevent Underage Drinking event. Partnering with elected officials, law enforcement professionals, school administrators and educators, parent and student organizations, faith-based organizations, local media and businesses can help increase a Communities Talk event’s reach and impact. Partners can provide a wealth of support for an event, such as recruiting or obtaining event speakers, promoting the event, offering a venue, supplying volunteers, and donating door prizes and giveaways.

Parent Resource Nights 2018

Western Placer Unified School District is hosting a series of PARENT RESOURCE NIGHTS for the Lincoln community. The Coalition for Auburn and Lincoln Youth (CALY) and other community partners are presenting and providing important resources. Pizza and refreshments provided. 

2017 Youth Summit

Placer County Youth Commissioners attend the 2017 Youth Summit in Anaheim, California. This event was co-sponsored by the Coalition for Rocklin Youth, the Coalition for Auburn & Lincoln Youth, the Placer County Youth Commission, Friday Night Live and the California Office of Traffic Safety. A total of 13 youth and adults from Placer County attended this 3 1/2 day training with over 700 other youth working on health, wellness and safety prevention efforts from around California.

Pictured here from left to right are youth commissioners Claire Jordan, Justin Kim, Catherine Colella, Rahul Bavirisetty, Savannah Rice, Doris Romero and Allisyn Marks.
Placer County Youth Ambassador Srinjay Verma (left) and Placer County Youth Commissioner Mitchell Herbert (right), both Rocklin high school students, participate in prevention activities and training

Lincoln Police Chief Discusses the Benefits of the New Social Host Ordinance

Thursday, members of of the Youth Commission spoke with students at Lincoln High School about the city’s new Social Host Ordinance. Lincoln is the latest city in Placer County to adopt such a policy.

If a person is caught hosting a party with kids drinking or using drugs, that person can be charged $1,000 by the city. Plus the District Attorney can also charge them with an infraction or a misdemeanor. For minors hosting these parties, their parents will be held responsible.

Rocklin and Roseville have already used their ordinances to dole out fines.

“We’re actually hoping that this serves as a deterrent. That would be my view of a success, is to not use the ordinance,” Lincoln Police Chief Doug Lee said.

Read Article

Auburn Social Host Ordinance Press Conference September 2017

Placer County Youth Commissioners and Placer High School (PHS) students led a Press Conference in September 2017 regarding the City of Auburn’s new Social Host Ordinance which holds adults accountable for allowing underage drinking or other drug use at parties or gatherings.

Social Host Ordinance Press Conference
Pictured here from left to right: PHS Principal Caminiti, Mayor Matt Spokely, Jeff Brown, Director of HHS, Christina Ivazes, Public Health Educator and CPY Program Director, Shelley Rogers, CALY Program Director (at podium), Youth Commissioners Catherine Colella and Claire Breckenridge, PHS student Blake Baughman, and Youth Commissioners Allisyn Marks and Rahul Bavirisetty.

Rocklin’s Hot Chili Cool Cars September 2017

Coalition for Placer Youth members, the Arevalo family of Rocklin, helped spread prevention information to participants of Rocklin’s Hot Chili Cool Cars event September 2017. Over 170 bags and over 1700 materials were shared with event attendees to inform parents and attendees about stress management tips, alcohol, prescription drug and marijuana prevention information. This was all done in the name of fun with stress brains and a kid’s car wash for young ones to cool off in.

Youth Lead Press Conference in September 2017 Regarding the City of Auburn’s New Social Host Ordinance

Placer County Youth Commissioners and Placer High School students led a Press Conference in September 2017 regarding the City of Auburn’s new Social Host Ordinance which holds adults accountable for allowing underage drinking or other drug use at parties or gatherings.

Pictured here from left to right are Principal Caminiti, Placer High School, John Ruffcorn, Public Safety Director and Chair of CALY, Supervisor Jim Holmes, Mayor Matt Spokely, Jeff Brown, Director of HHS, Shelley Rogers, CALY Program Director, Christina Ivazes, Public Health Educator and CPY Program Director, Youth Commissioners Claire Jordan, Catherine Colella, Claire Breckenridge, Placer High School student Blake Baughman, and Youth Commissioners Allisyn Marks and Rahul Bavirisetty.

Placer County Trauma and Resilience Summit 2017

The Placer County Trauma and Resilience Summit brought together agency stakeholders, educators, law enforcement, human service professionals and people with lived experience to learn more about the impact of adverse childhood experiences and community resilience. The afternoon world café focused on action planning to establish resilience building systems and policies within each agency, district or organization. CALY partnered with the County Office of Education and other community organizations to host this first ever Resilient Placer Summit.

Placer County Trauma and Resilience Summit